Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Heart Dz Quiz

1. Which condition most commonly results in CAD?
a. atherosclerosis
b. DM
c. MI
d. Renal failure

2. Atherosclerosis impedes coronary artery blood flow by:
a. plaques obstruct vein
b. plaques obstruct artery
c. Blood clots form outside vessel wall
d. Hardened vessels dilate to allow blood to flow thru.

3. Which serum cholesterol level increases risk of CAD?
a. 100mg/dl
b. 150
c. 175
d. 200

4. which is done first for a pt exhibiting s/sx of CAD?
a. decrease anxiety
b. enhance myocardial O2ation
c. Admin sublingual NTG
d. Educate pt about sx

5. Landmark for obtaining apical pulse
a. left 5th intercostal space, midaxillary line
b. left 5th intercostal space, midclavicular line
c. left 2nd intercostal space, midclavicular line
d. left 7th intercostal space, midclavicular line

6. which blood test is most indicative of cardiac damage?
a. lactate dehydrogenase
b. CBC
c. Troponin I
d. Creatine kinase

7. Primary reason for administering Morphine to MI pt?
a. sedate
b. decrease chest pain
c. decrease anxiety
d. decrease O2 demand on heart

8. Most commonly responsible for MI?
a. aneurysm
b. HF
c. coronary artery thrombosis
d. renal failure

9. Which Dx tool used to most commonly deterine location of myocardial damage?
a. cardiac cath
b. cardiac enzymes
c. echo
d. ECG

10. First intervention for pt experiencing MI?
a. morphine
b. O2
c. sublingual NTG
d. obtain ECG

11. Most common complication of MI?
a. cardiogenic shock
b. HF
c. arrhythmias
d. pericarditis

12. which sx might a R sided HF pt exhibit?
a. adequate UO
b. polyuria
c. oliguria
d. polydipsia

13. Dyspnea, cough, expectoration, weakness, and edema are classic s/sx of:
a. pericarditis
b. htn
c. MI
d. HF

14. after undergoing cardiac cath, pt has a puddle of blood under his buttocks. which step should you take first?
a. call for help
b. obtain VS
c. Ask the pt to "lift up"
d. apply gloves and assess the groin

15. which type of pain characteristic of angina?
a. knifelike
b. sharp
c. shooting
d. tightness
16. drug of choice for angina pectoris?
a. aspirin
b. lasix
c. NTG
d. nifedipine

17. predominant cause of angina?
a. increased preload
b. decreased afterload
c. coronary arty spasm
d. inadequate O2 supply to the myocardium

18. which dx test used most often to dx angina?
a. CXR
b. echo
c. cardiac cath
d. 12 lead EKG

19. Primary tx goal for angina?
a. reversal of ischemia
b. reversal of infarction
c. redxn of stress and anxiety
d. redxn of associated risk factors

20. Earliest sign of Cardiogenic shock
a. tachycardia
b. decreased UO
c. presence of 4th heart sound

1 comment:

Trina Eagal said...
