Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Nursing 4: Cranial Nerves

Nursing 4 will add cranial nerves to the health assessment.

I - Olfactory - smell
II - Optic - vison
III - Oculomotor - most eye muscles
IV - Trochlear - superior oblique
V - Trigeminal - facial sensation or muscles of mastication
VI - Abducens - lateral rectus
VII - Facial - facial expression or taste
VIII - auditory/hearing or balance
IX - Glossopharyngeal - pharynx sensation
X - Vagus - pharynx and larynx muscles
XI - Accessory - trapezius and sternocleidomastoid
XII - Hypoglossal - tongue muscles

The classic mnemonic students use to memorize the 12 cranial nerves in order is: On Old Olympic Towering Tops A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops

Here's some general information:
Cranial Nerves
Review Information

Assessing cranial nerves - demonstration videos:
Cranial Nerve I (Olfactory)
II (Optic): Visual acuity, pupillary light reflex
III, IV and VI (Oculomotor, trochlear and abducens)
V and VII (Trigeminal and facial)
Abnormal Cranial Nerve VII (sensory, taste)
VIII (Acoustic)
IX, X, XI and XII

1 comment:

Trina Eagal said...

awesome! sergey sent me some links for cranial nerves that were good. I will try to get those posted soon as well.